Monday, August 17, 2009

one week

One week from today I leave to study for a semester in Uganda (ahhhh!). I will be taking classes at the Uganda Christian Univesity located in Mukono, Uganda and living with a host family for 16 weeks! I am part of the Uganda Studies Program (USP) offered through Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU)/Best Semester with an Intercultural Ministry & Missions Empasis (IMME). I will be taking five classes including 1.) Faith and Action in the Ugandan Context, 2.) African Traditional Religions, Islam and Christianity in Contemporary Uganda, 3.) Cross Cultural Immersion/Missions Practicum, 4.) African Literature, and 5.) Understanding Worldviews.

To read more about the Uganda Studies Program visit

I am both excited and nervous for the adventure I am about to embark on! This blog is my attempt to keep those who are interested up to date on what is happening while I am in Uganda. I am not promising to be good at this but I look forward to giving you all a glimpse of my experience.

Please keep in touch!

You can email me at:


Send a letter to me at:
Hanna Mattingly, Uganda Studies Programme
Uganda Christian University
P.O. Box 4
Mukono, UGANDA